英國母親節,或者更傳統噉稱為「母親星期日」(Mothering Sunday),係一個擁有悠久歷史同埋深厚文化傳統嘅節日。不同於其他地方通常喺5月慶祝嘅國際母親節,英國嘅母親節慶祝日期每年都會變,因為佢係根據教會日曆喺大齋期(Lent)期間嘅第四個星期日慶祝。今次,我哋將一齊探索英國母親節嘅由來、傳統同埋慶祝方式。
英國母親節嘅起源可以追溯到16世紀,當時人哋會喺大齋期期間返回自己嘅「母堂」(mother church)-即係佢哋出生地嘅主教座堂或者本區教堂去參加彌撒。呢個「返回母堂」嘅傳統後來演變成為一個家庭團聚嘅日子,特別係對於那啲作為學徒或者傭人而遠離家鄉嘅年輕人來講。
She used to be my only enemy and never let to me be free
Catching me in places that I knew I shouldn’t be
Every other day, I crossed the line, I didn’t mean to be so bad
I never thought you would become the friend I never hadBack then, I didn’t know why
Why you were misunderstood
So now, I see through your eyes
All that you did was loveMama, I love you
Mama, I care
Mama, I love you
Mama, my friend (you’re my friend)I didn’t want to hear it then, but I’m not ashamed to say it now
Every little thing you said and did was right for me
I had a lot of time to think about, about the way I used to be
Never had a sense of my responsibilityBack then, I didn’t know why
Why you were misunderstood
So now, I see through your eyes
All that you did was loveMama, I love you
Mama, I care
Mama, I love you
Mama, my friend (you’re my friend)You’re my friend
But now, I’m sure I know why (I know why)
Why you were misunderstood
So now, I see through your eyes
All I can give you is love (all I can give you is love)Mama, I love you
Mama, I care
Mama, I love you
Mama, my friendMama, I love you
Mama, I care
Mama, I love you
Mama, my friendOh, oh-oh (you’re my friend)
Mama (you’re my friend)
Whoa, oh-oh
Mama, my loveOh, oh-oh, Mama, I love you (me loving you, you loving me)
Mama, I care (a love that’s true, and guaranteed)Whoa, oh-oh, Mama, I love you (me loving you, me loving you)
(You loving me, you loving me)
Mama, my friend (a love that’s true, a love that’s true)
(And guaranteed, so true)Mama, I love you (me loving you, me loving you)
(You loving me, you loving me)
Mama, I care (a love that’s true, a love that’s true)
(And guaranteed, so true)Mama, I love you (me loving you, me loving you)
(You loving me, you loving me)
Mama, I care (a love that’s true, a love that’s true)
(And guaranteed, so true)Mama, I love you (me loving you, me loving you)
(You loving me, you loving me)
Mama, I care (a love that’s true, a love that’s true), oh, oh, oh
(And guaranteed, so true)Mama, I love you (me loving you, me loving you)
Mama – Spice Girls
(You loving me, you loving me)
Mama, I care (a love that’s true, a love that’s true)
(It’s so true)